Nour Arjaan by Rotana, Fujairah is a new level of contemporary luxury, style, design and cuisine for business and leisure travelers. Set amid Fujairah's exclusive areas and rich cultural attractions, Nour Arjaan by Rotana provides ideal accommodation solution for long-term business travelers and families with its state-of-the-art technology and facilities. Nour Arjaan by Rotana is ideally located close to several tourist attractions such as Fujairah city center less than five minute drive and Fujairah open beach at a 5-10 minute drive.
Trenutni datum i vrijeme Ponedeljak, 17 Feb 2025 - 03:08 (GMT +4)
Trenutni vremenski uslovi Ponedeljak, 17 Feb 2025 @ 03:00 UAE 22°C (71°F) Vlažnost: 83% Vjetar: North Istok 1.54
informacije o valuti Ponedeljak, 17 Feb 2025 @ 03:00 UAE AED ~ UAE Dirham 1 USD = AED 3.67 | 1 EUR = AED 3.85 *Gore navedene kursne stope su međubankovne/srednje. Gotovinske i kartične transakcije mogu podlijegati domaćim dodatnim naknadama.
Emirate of Fujairah, one of the seven emirates forming the United Arab Emirates, witnessed a rapid rate of economic and social development and tourism activities under the wise guidance of H.H.Sheikh Hamad Bin Mohammad Al Sharqi, Supreme Council member and ruler of Fujairah.
Fujairah, with a breathtaking coastline of more than 90km, is the only emirate situated entirely along the Gulf of Oman. The emirate occupies an area equal to 1.5 per cent of the country’s total landmass.
Ova stranica koristi kolačiće kako bismo poboljšali Vaše korisničko iskustvo i procijenili izvedbu naše stranice. Time što nastavljate posjet ovoj stranici Vi dajete pristanak da koristimo kolačiće.