Step into a world of exclusive privileges.
Enter a world where only the best experiences, access and rewards await you.
Take a moment to go through the privileges, discounts, benefits, and points that come with your new Exclusive membership when you visit a Rotana hotel or restaurant.
Stay connected and download the Rotana Rewards Mobile App to start earning and redeeming points, as well as accessing numerous benefits. To download the app, simply click on the widgets below:
How it works
Download the Rotana Rewards Mobile App so you can start accumulating points the moment you enrol in the Rotana Rewards Exclusive programme, granting you access to exclusive privileges that have been carefully curated to complement your lifestyle. The App is essential for earning and redeeming points, ensuring you don’t miss out on any rewards.
You can know more or make changes to your profile on this website by logging in at the top of the page and by downloading the Rotana Rewards Mobile App.
We look forward to welcoming you to Rotana soon.