Are you planning to spend your weekend with the family in Dammam at a modern luxury hotel with stunning Arabian Gulf views?
Don't miss our family weekend package that includes:
Family-connected rooms with queen and twin beds
Complimentary Breakfast and your choice of lunch or dinner at c.taste
Children under 6 years old stay and eat for free and from 6 to 12 years stay and eat at a 50% discount.
Complimentary extra bed per room
To book your Weekend Escape, click on the "Book Now" button below and choose your weekend.
Pravila i uslovi
Offer valid for two adults and two children and available during weekends only for a minimum of 2 nights stay. Additional terms and conditions may apply. The offer is valid until 31st December 2023. Rotana Rewards members will earn Points when booking the Rotana Escapes packages.
Informacije o hotelu i lokalnom okruženju
Trenutni datum i vrijeme Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 17:28 (GMT +3 hours)
Trenutni vremenski uslovi Sreda, 12 Mar 2025 @ 17:00 AST 23°C (73°F) Vlažnost: 43% Vjetar: North 12.86
informacije o valuti Sreda, 12 Mar 2025 @ 17:00 AST SAR ~ Saudi Riyal 1 USD=SAR 3.75 | 1 EUR=SAR 4.08 *Gore navedene kursne stope su međubankovne/srednje. Gotovinske i kartične transakcije mogu podlijegati domaćim dodatnim naknadama.
Ocjene hotela
“great location and hotel facilty”
Reviewed by AbdullahFNZ a TripAdvisor traveler.
23rd December 2024
“Brilliant reception and hospitality”
Reviewed by Alsatlan a TripAdvisor traveler.
27th May 2024
Reviewed by Rameem_mhd a TripAdvisor traveler.
1st March 2024
Još Rotana odmora na Dana Rayhaan
Your Business Escape Package
Stay in the heart of Dammam and enjoy many perks ]
Romantic Couple Escape
Enjoy an unforgettable romantic stay with room upgrade, romantic dinner and more ]
Discover Dammam's Hidden Gems
Your local guide to hidden gems ]
حياكم في الدمام
دليلك لفعاليات الدمام ]
Relax & unwind at Dana Lobby Lounge
Enjoy a wide selection of special combos starting from SAR 32 only ]
استرخاء ورفاهية في دانا لوبي لاونج
قائمة متنوعة من الأطباق الخفيفة و المشروبات ]
Unwind and Refresh with our Daily Pool Day Passes!
Enjoy a refreshing swim in our outdoor pool followed by a light snack ]
يوماً منعشاُ بجانب المسبح مع اشتراكات اليوم الواحد
استرخِ بعيدًا عن الروتين اليومي في مسبح دانا ريحان من روتانا ]
إفطار وسحور لا يُنسى في روديو جريل
ندعوك للاحتفال بتجربة لا تنسى في بوفيه الإفطار و السحور بدانا ريحان من روتانا ]
Indulge in Our Iftar & Suhoor Buffet
Dana Rayhaan Invites You to Cherish the Traditions of Ramadan with Exquisite Iftar and Sahoor ]
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